Barleria obtusa

Barleria obtusa

Friday, April 29, 2011

Potato Harvest

We gave up the idea of expecting a butternut crop as the fruit were attacked by pumpkin fly.  But, our kitchen garden is not without some stars...

At the end of January, we planted out some potato sprouts.  This was a very low maintenance crop as we just left them to grow and do their thing.  All I did was form a mound around each plant to prevent the tubers from being exposed and going green.

Yesterday whilst doing an inspection of the garden I noticed that the plants were dying back a little - a sure sign that the time is near.

Cautiously, yet with the excitement of a child on an Easter Egg hunt, I dug around the plant to reveal the buried treasures.

Our largest potato was 16cm long.

We couldn't miss the opportunity to have freshly harvest potatoes for supper and they were delicious!  Two large potatoes was more than enough for the two of us.  It was quite tempting to have just potatoes for supper, but I cooked them with freshly picked thyme and rosemary (also from our kitchen garden).

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